I am so tired. It really really sucks and I don't have the energy to write anymore tonight, not book wise anyway. I am tired on a level .. spiritually I think, that I am not used to being tired on. It has been a long, emotional day. Pms, lack of chocolate and major decisions that plagued me and had to come to an end.. all came to a head today. I don't regret any of this things I've said or done in the last 24 hours. Sometimes you have to let go of something you've held on to, longer than you needed to, to be able to grab on to the next great thing. 

I have whiplash which is disrupting my sleep, my eating. my life... the drugs make me tired when I need to be awake and awake when i need to be asleep. black is white, up is down, in is out and sleep is ..gone. UGH. 

The whole day wasn't terrible.. I did see Pink on the Ellen Degeneres show today.. she announced she was pregnant and I was so happy for her.. Sadly I tweet to Pink obsessively but she never answers me. Why? because I am just an obsessed fan, just like all of you. I do love her..
I have been eating, breathing and sleeping to funhouse since I got it.
OK I lied, I don't sleep to it, ever. but I do find fun things to do in the dark with the one I love...and I do mean I use a laser pointer to entertain my cat.