My new book is awesome. Its working title is 'Becoming me' which I am loving as well. It is about a transgender woman (male to female) who goes to Canada and finds more of herself there than she knew she was missing.

I LOVE love it. I am currently going through the 'change' with my real life wife.. she is becoming my husband. It has been a long road but worth it. I love her more than words and I realized when we started this journey that there was so little  out there in the way of love stories for those who are not quite .. on the beaten path. So I've decided to write some. In the book Painting by heart Shelby is a lose version of my baby. This is how she used to be... so I guess in my new book I am working out some of my emotions. Some small changes in the story.. for one.. my baby is FTM not MTF. HUGE change and two I have never written a book specifically about this subject so I hope I am doing it right...

What am I listening to you ask?

I have this wonderful playlist going right now. I am listening to Lady Gaga (Love me some Mama Monster.) Pink <3 I love her. All of her. ALL of her. And of course Adam Lambert.. cause if I had you.. the money fame and fortune never could compete.  These are my three favorite people right now... Musically anyway...

Did anyone else see Ellen Degeneres on the season finale of SYTYCD last night?? Holy shit. I am 32 and I don't think I could of 'lost my mind' quite as good as Ellen did. Good job! And Dear Sweet Alex Wong, Get well soon! <3. Congrats to Lauren! I really thought Kent had it (I voted Robert. NOOO ROBERTO NOOO) But I have to hand it to Lauren, she never had a bad performance so she really did deserve it.

Please don't leave me, for I am speechless and have a fever...
If you listened to Pink, Gaga or Adam you'd understand that sentence and laugh at my queerness.
I will laugh about it myself. HA. HA. HA.
So there.
I have three words for you today.. they are names actually. Mary Louise Parker. I have three more words for you. Mmm mmm mmm.

This last week I have been watching movies with my son that he has never seen. I have a lot movies I like but their are few I actually love. I love fried green tomatoes and boys on the side (weeds but that's a tv series)
Yeah I didn't notice the theme of Mary Louise being in the movies till last night. Fried green tomatoes has always been one of my favorite movies. I wish they had gone beyond the 'spark' we saw on the screen between Idgie and Ruth. Just once I'd of like to see them kiss. Same goes for Boys on the side.. I have a note here for her directors though.. STOP KILLING HER IN THE MOVIES. Yes, she does play a dying woman very very well. I cry every time, mourning her characters. I've noticed, however, that in weeds (to date) that Nancy Botwin is still alive. I do think she is too smart to die...

I love you Mary Louise Parker <3. That is why you are my person of the week.. but you get a month :P

13 days till the new series of weeds starts.. so all i have left to say to you is..

Little boxes on the hillside, Little boxes made of ticky tacky
Little boxes on the hillside, little boxes all the same
There’s a green one and a pink one and a blue one and a yellow one
And they’re all made out of ticky tacky and they all look just the same....

yeah baby.