I had a dream last night that I was in a hotel bar in Canada, I was alone, sipping my drink and singing a very sad song to myself. When I looked down the bar, I found I wasn't actually alone. Kd Lang was sitting at the piano and she very quietly began to play music behind my lonely lyrics. The song swelled, formed, crashed, broke and was absolutely, heart wrenchingly wonderful. I found when I woke up that I remembered most of the words to the song, so i wrote them down and decided to send this message out into the universe. 

Ms. Kd Lang, if you are out there and read this, I want to write a song with you. I want to sing that song with you and I want to be awake when I do so. I have never wanted something so bad in my entire life. ....

So I make it a wish and pray somewhere I have a fairy or two looking out for me. Fairy godmothers and fathers that is ;) 

Universe be kind, I send love and this wish out and wait to see what I get back.