We are all here to create something. To leave something in our past for others to find in the future. We strive to fulfill ourselves and to out shine all others with what we create.  We create music no matter what it sounds like because history dictates that someone somewhere will want to hear what it was you have created. Some may love it, some may hate but all embrace it. Why?
The answer is simple: Music is universal. Nobody cares how or why it was made they just want to come converge on one spot - such as a stadium and indulge their needs to feast upon the music that lives and thrives within their souls.
We call such convergances concerts and we share them with as many people as we can fit within the walls of these places and we listen to music that is far too loud for our own good. We all raise are hands, we jump when commanded and we scream after every song because we have to, at a primal level it says so.

Last night I went to Mansfield, Ma. It was an hour ride and I hate leaving home but the whole way I prayed that once I got there the music would make up for the long ride. Who did I see? Janelle Monae, Paramore and No Doubt.
I was not disappointed.

Janelle Monae was good for someone I didn't know. Surprisingly so. Her songs were fantastic and her music moving. I was shocked that I hadn't heard of her before and I plan to remedy my lack of knowledge immediately.
Paramore was fantastic - cd quality and all. The singer was awesome, though the mom in me wanted to make her a cup of warm honey tea and tell her to rest. Her and her band have been on tour for the last several months non stop - since november I believe. Even so, they did a good job and I was beside myself wishing I had known a few more songs of theirs and regretting that I did not.
When No Doubt took the stage the entrire arena went electric. The air became charged with the energy that Gwen Stefani and her boys bring with her. In the 90's I went to California and followed this band across country as they emerged from the depths and took the world by storm. In '97 on the Tragic Kingdom tour I got to meet Ms. Stefani for the first time at the Boston Pavilion and I promptly threw up on her shoes. I had far too much beer, far too much rain and way too much excitement that night. I do believe I still owe her a new pair of adidas boxing sneakers, one day I swear I'll replace them.
Back to the present, or the close past - last night to be in fact.
Last night I saw something mind blowingly good and sadly too short. Yes, No Doubt, was on stage for over two hours but this wasn't long enough for me. I could have stayed there all night as I am sure everyone around me would have too. With the weird combination of the super young and the old coming together to hear one band - one common interest. This is what I mean by music being universal. I don't have to tell you how good the band was or how every song hit home as it was perfectly done and wonderfully performed. I was a bit jealous of the well tattooed girl who got pulled up on stage by Gwen and spoken to about her sleeve of No Doubt tattoos. I will tomorrow begin my very own sleeve which I have wanted for years and foolishly put off. It is merely flesh after all and my love for this band is eternal. Till the next tour I will be waiting anxiously for news on their new album. Judging from past cds, the wait will be well worth it and one final note.
For 38, Gwens abs, are fucking rocking. I mean smoking. I have seen so few women over 35 that are that ripped. Holy smokes lady. I wanna lick um.. which annoys my wife.. but I still wanna... I would tell anyone willing to listen to go see this tour. It is worth every penny and sitting in the rain.
One final message to the band:
Thank you so much for playing Tragic Kingdom - Boston loves No Doubt, the world loves No Doubt - because like music - they are universal. 
I love No Doubt - my love too is enternal.
Thanks for the best tour ever and I would know ~ I have been to every tour of theirs since the very 1st one. I've seen them perform with Sublime ~ I've seen them perform in near empty bars that I wasn't old enough to be in and I'll see them perform again.
For this is one of the things I dream of. Music lives inside me - bands are mere speakers of what we hear and wish for. They hear what we want to hear and project it back to us. This is how it should be.
I am a No Doubter - Are you?
Ria Goff