Well since ya asked, I'll tell you.
This week I am obsessed with Lady Gaga's two cds. Both the fame and the fame monster are amazing and I find myself loving the cds more and more each time I listen to them and when I think I should be doing something else and start to feel kinda bad, well I just touch myself all through the night and everything is alright.
The other cd in my player right now is Mr. Adam Lambert's For your entertainment and I will admit I AM very entertained. I've been strutting to it all month, whatdya want from me? it is an awesome cd. I didn't watch American idol when he was on but from what I have seen and heard I think Adam was robbed of the win. I am sorry for all you Kris fans out there but admit it, if Adam and Kris went all out - balls to balls - Adam would win hands down every single time. I love you Adam.

And last but certainly not least, not by a long shot -
I have finally opened my P!nk Funhouse Cd and I AM IN LOVE with this woman's voice. The raspiness makes me nuts, I end up going back to the pass time I mentioned in Lady Gaga's post. *sigh*
If you haven't seen Pink's live Funhouse concert on DVD, DO IT. She is so hot and talented.. specially when that couch comes out.. then she does that thing I refered to before..
So this is what I am listening to this week. OH and check out my new book, on shelves now (as of yesterday.) on Amazon.com - It is called All the Kings Men and it is my 1st ever Fantasy book.. and yes I mean sword fights and castles. Magic, faeries (other than us) and all that fun stuff. I loved writing it. If it isn't listed on aamzon.com yet, look for it over the next few days and it will turn up, I swear. I am terrible and trying to remember to come write on this blog.
And please, if You like my work.. tell a friend.. or 10...
I live off my sales.